DX Super Sunday 6th May 2007

This Sunday, 6th May 2007 many Tango Mike members will be taking to the hills across the UK attempting to make contact with CB users around the country and the world. This event was organised by the users on the Citizens Band Radio forum and particular thanks go to Paddy for the superb name! (We love DX Super Sunday!). As people will be on at various times of the day my advice is to simply tune in and give a few shouts. The Easter DX weekend was a real success even without large scale propagation some amazing groundwave contacts were possible with modest equipment.If you get chance listen out on your radio on 27.555 MHz USB or the FM side of 25 EU and UK bands – you’ll be surprised at how far you can get out! Please submit DX reports to Callum, 108-TM-742 for inclusion in the next monthly report .


Simon, 26-TM-001

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