The first few days were quiet with only low voices heard.
On the 5th,7th,8th,9th 34 division heard.
On the 17th 3,14,26,29,30,34 divisions heard.
On the 18th 3,14,29,30 divisions heard.
On 19th only 3 division heard.
Most of this propagation was very 1 way with few QSO’s established.
Congratulations to Simon 26 TM 001 for a QSO into 45 division on the 22nd.
Also on the 22nd 1,13,14,15,16,21,30,34,35,44,161,329 divisions heard and QSO’s with all these divisions reported.
Quiet again until the 28th with 13,14,26,30,31,161 divisions heard and worked.
On the 29th 1,3 divisions heard. But with much QSB.
On the 30th Congratulations to 26TM123 “Eddie” for a string of excellent QSO’s, 3,49,146,215 divisions.
Signs of sporadic propagation returning as well as possible flares and some active sunspots.
Good luck for May. 73’s
108 TangoMike 742