Easter DX Event 2011

Easter DX Event

It’s that time of year again! This years Easter DX event will take place on Sunday 24th and Monday 25th April 2011!

As always these events have been very popular over the last few years and many operators have turned out on the hill tops to make long distance contacts. You don’t need to go mobile to enjoy the events but it helps! The main thing is taking part and being on the air.

27.555 MHz USB is the main 11m calling frequency and for those who prefer the FM side of things Channel 25 UK and 25 EU (CEPT) will be in use. On the PMR-446 side of things Channel 8 with no CTCSS is a good start for hill topping.

We hope that TM members will be active over the Easter Bank Holiday on the 24/25th April 2011 and we’ll be listening out for you. Don’t forget to register over at Transmission1 and also post your contacts up here at: http://www.transmission1.co.uk/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=18022

For further details please visit: http://www.delboyenterprises.co.uk/ – a very good website indeed!

2 thoughts on “Easter DX Event 2011

  1. G,day all, looking forward to making a few contacts with you over the Easter break. Have been getting acknowledgements from Italy France etc but still none from UK so will definitely been giving a yell on the Easter break.

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