Easter DX Event 2014!
This years Easter DX will take place on 20th/21st April Calling will take place on Channel 27UK/FM (27.86125Mhz) and Channel 27EU/USB (27.275Mhz) More Info: Transmission 1 Forum: CLICK HERE Charlie Tango Forum: CLICK HERE
This years Easter DX will take place on 20th/21st April Calling will take place on Channel 27UK/FM (27.86125Mhz) and Channel 27EU/USB (27.275Mhz) More Info: Transmission 1 Forum: CLICK HERE Charlie Tango Forum: CLICK HERE
It’s that time of year again! This years Easter DX event will take place on Sunday 24th and Monday 25th April 2011! As always these events have been very popular over the last few years and many operators have turned out on the hill tops to make long distance contacts. You don’t need to go…
Time to dust off the mobile rig and head for the hills! Tango Mike Group Presents DX Super Sunday – 28th November 2010. Take to the hills or operate from home! The most important thing is being on your radio on this date so plenty of contacts can be made. If there is no propagation there…
The Charlie Tango DX Group in North Yorkshire are holding a DX Field Day on the 28th May 2010. As a neighboring DX group from the TM HQ we are proud to help promote the event and hope the TM members will also be on air over the bank holiday weekend making contact with the…
Welcome to 2008 and the beginning of cycle 24. I hope all our members have had a good start to the new year, and make many contacts in the months to come. “”On January 4, 2008, a reversed-polarity sunspot appeared—and this signals the start of Solar Cycle 24,” says David Hathaway of the Marshall Space…
October we had fairly low expectations, what with the end of the summer sporadic and it being too early for the winter openings, all we could do was sit tight and see what came our way. The 1st and the 2nd showed virtually zero SSB activity only some short openings to 3 division getting through.…
For this month levels continued to drop through September. With 21 consecutive days recorded with no sunspots. Sporadic openings have been at the lowest levels in 2007 so far. The 1st to the 4th of the month raised some hopes with workable conditions including: 1,13,14,16,26,30,36,47,56,163,169 divisions. Much QSB but very nice to hear stations calling…
It would appear that the sporadic propagation again this month has become even more infrequent, many days passing with no skip at all. It surely shows that along with a poor summer in the UK and solar minimum that things can only improve. The start of month had spells of skip with 1,13,14,15,16,19,20,21,26,30,31,35,47,54,161,163 divisions as…
Conditions for this month were slightly less than I expected. That said when prop was there it was good. The 1st through to the 6th had very strong EU divisions with small spells of 2 division heard on USB,AM and LSB in the afternoons. Going through to the middle of month we had good inter…
Tango Mike is pleased to announce that we have agreed a scheduled net on 27.535 MHz USB every Sunday between 18.30-21.30 UTC (19.30-22.30 BST) for all UK members. It’s a great opportunity to try and contact fellow members of the group, especially more so if you are mobile and plan to head off towards the hill…